Service Charges

Find out whether a Service Charge Demand may be valid, or not, using the test provided.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive test. Always rely upon a professional assessment:

£39.99 - Online Analyser£350 - Case Review


(1) Have the leaseholders already paid, or agreed payment of, the disputed service charge?

(2) Do the leaseholders consider the charge to be unreasonable (e.g. were works unnecessary, not carried out, carried out to a low standard, too expensive or not allowed under the terms of the lease)?

(3) Does the freehold company own their managing agents or buildings insurance brokers?

(4) Did the freeholder/managing agent consult with the leaseholders over expensive works or service contracts? For example, were they served a notice detailing works to be carried out inviting comments?

(5) Did the leaseholders receive statutory documents requesting monies as and when they were due as well as a summary detailing all charges in a 12-month period?

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